Q: When I add images they do not show up in my Easy Template. They also don't show up in the Flash webpage but I do see them in the folders on the server.

A: You use images with .JPG (all uppercases) extension please change this to .jpg (all lowercases)

Q: I use the & symbol in the body of text.txt file in my Easy flash template, and now can not see my text or part of the text.

A: The & symbol is not supported and should therefore not be used.

Q: How do I edit the text in the easy template?

A: Please open the text.html page in notepad or any other text editor, modify the content and then save the file.

Q: Can I add URL's (hyper links) in the bodtext of the template?

A: Yes, Just open the text.txt or text.html page in notepad and enter
<a href="http://www.cbmcard.com">click here</a>

Q: How do I change the name of template in the blue browser bar?

A: Open the index.html page in Notepad or in any html editor, and change the content between the
tags, save your index.html file and upload it on the server.

Q: Why are these templates loading so fast?

A: The templates load fast because all the pictures and content are located outside the Flash file, and only if the user wants to see a certain picture by clicking on it's smaller thumbnail, the larger picture will be loaded into the Flash file.

Q: How do I replace the small pictures in the about, contact us , services, etc. sections?

A: This again can be done directly in the "text.html" file, by simply changing the HTML code that refers to the respective picture, for example
<img src="photo2.jpg">
all you need to do is to change photo2.jpg to a new filename, and make sure this picture is indeed uploaded to your we server.

Q: How do I replace the sound file?

A: The sound file are also kept external so you can simply replace the one we used with your own music, or you can remove the sound file if you don't want to hear any music at all.

Q: Does your template support other languages such as Spanish, German, France, Greek, etc.?

A: Yes, we support non-english languages. All you need to do is to save the text file in the UTF-8 format in Notepad. This will allow you to support all unicode characters. for more editional information please click here

Q: How do I change the font size of the logo/header in the template?

A: In the text.html file you can set the font size in the following manner. &name1=<font size="20">Paul Rowson</font>

Q: I try to edit the FLA file but when I save the FLA I see many errors?

A: To solve this please export the file to the same directory as where you got all the other files, as the swf file communicates with the text.html file. I use Flash CS3 and have done the above but still got a problem. When you want to edit the FLA file in Flash CS3 you need to make some some additional changes to the FLA file

Q: Does Easy Template comes with the respective source files?

A: Yes, we do provide you with the FLA (Flash source files) as well.

Q: What software do I need to edit the Easy Flash Templates, GalleryAdmin flash templates, PhotoVideoAdmin flash templates and VideoAdmin flash templates ?

A: No, doesn't need any other software to edit these templates. Adding text, pictures, music, change button names can be done through any text editor like NOTEPAD for PC and TeextEdit for Mac. In case if you want to change the actual design you need a paint program and Adobe Flash software